Bedwellty Park
Care Home
The Home
Bedwellty Park Residential Home is situated in the adjoining grounds of Bedwellty Park in Tredegar and is very easy to locate and access for visitors. It is situated within Bedwellty Park and is a Grade II listed Regency building surrounded by a historic garden established in the 19th century. It is famously linked with the early social and industrial history of South Wales.
Bedwellty Park Residential Home is within half a mile south of the Gwent Shopping Centre which is the main retail provision for Tredegar. There are also additional shops, cafes and public houses close by in Commercial Street with a library and history museum located a short distance away. The local bus service provides links to surrounding areas with a bus stop situated a short walk away on the Circle, by the Town Clock and taxi ranks are close by.
Service Provided
Bedwellty Park Residential Home offers a bespoke range of services that are tailored to meet individual's needs. It is designed to provide accommodation to 13 people of various ages from 18 years and above who have been assessed as needing care and support.
The interaction between staff and residents will be of a therapeutic nature; residents functioning will be maintained as far as possible by encouraging them to do things themselves while considering all risk factors to their safety. Also, taking into consideration their right for privacy, residents will be in an environment where they feel able to be alone or in company of others.
We aim to achieve the best possible outcomes for people who use our service, we try to promote positive experiences, keep them safe from harm and respect their dignity all through a holistic approach. We listen and fully involve the individual and encourage them to speak and engage with what matters to them.
Language & Communication
Staff are patient and sensitive in their approach when asking a resident to describe their communication and information needs. We ensure that an individual's need for information in an alternative format is recorded in their file and that steps are taken to ensure that communication support and information in alternative formats can be provided promptly and without reasonable delay.
We believe that even as non-Welsh speakers, we have a role to play in delivering an 'Active Offer'. We recognise that considering an individual's language needs and valuing their sense of identity will help them maintain their dignity and self-respect. We are able to do this by using simple phrases such as 'Sut ydych chi?' and 'Bore da', using bilingual information on our correspondence and identifying the Welsh language skills of staff members.
Welsh language versions of key documents can be produced and made available if required and communication support can be accessed for residents via the Welsh Interpretation & Translation Service (WITS).
Quality Assurance
We are committed to ensuring that we continue to provide a good service, which complies with best practice and with the relevant regulations and standards and a service which continues to meet the resident's needs.
As an organisation Bedwellty Park Residential Home will offer high quality care and recognise the importance of working with residents and their family and friends. This includes gaining a better understanding of the priorities and concerns of those who use the services by involving them in the service, gaining their views through meetings and feedback monitoring the views of residents through complaints and compliments.
This organisation is committed to working in a collaborative, inclusive and constructive manner, both internally and with their external multi-agency partners to the mutual benefit of the residents. The external partners and professionals will be invited to participate in satisfaction surveys forming part of the annual quality assurance report.
Mr Darren Pomphrey is the person designated as the Responsible Individual. Darren Pomphrey has 28 years experience within nursing and domiciliary settings. From a variety of specialties, including forensic psychiatry, mental health and learning disabilities, supported living homes for adults with mental health issues.
Emma Rosser is he person designated to manage the service on a day-to-day basis. Emma began her care career at the age of 18 and worked in various nursing homes before deciding to go into care management. Emma worked with individuals with forensic learning disabilities in specialised units for autism and behaviors that challenge. Emma advanced her career becoming a deputy manager in those units and later progressed into management of dementia care homes.
The Responsible Individual is accountable for overseeing the management of the service and for providing assurance that the service is safe, well run, and compliant. This includes responsibility for the recruitment of the manager ensuring that they are fit to take on the role required and reports appointments to the service regulators. He also has the responsibility for ensuring that there are sufficient resources and support, with staff who are competent and skilled to undertake their role.
The Responsible Individual delegates the operational day to day management of the service to Emma Rosser, the Registered Manager. In her absence there is a competent deputising system to provide leadership on a day-to-day basis, which will maintain the safety, quality, and effectiveness of the service. Thus, ensuring minimal disruption to the individuals using the service. The Registered Manager is available to advise and support staff out of office hours and weekends.
The Responsible Individual conducts formal visits every 3 months. These visits are logged and documented and are designed to monitor the performance of the service provided.
Bedwellty Park Residential Home
Morgan Street,
NP22 3NA,
01495 711553